Black athletes spotlighted..!

Whether or not they wanted the role, African American athletes become symbols of the advancement of their race. The dramatic expansion of televised sports put athletes increasingly in the public eye. Heavyweight boxing champ Cassius Clay shocked the world when he announced that he had converted to the Black Muslim religion and changed his name to Muhammad Ali.
In 1962, Jackie Robinson became the first African American elected to the Baseball Hall-of-Fame. In 1967, Charles Sifford became the first African American to win a Professional Golf Association (PGA) tour event, the Hartford Open.
In 1968, Arthur Ashe became the first African American man to win a major tennis title. Pro basketball was dominated by the rivalry og two outspoken young black men: Wilt Chamberlain, who broke almost every NBA record, and Bill Russell, a dedicated team player.
In 1966, Russell became the first black head coach of a professional team. In 1970, another black, Curt Flood, fought against what he called the ‘slavery’ of baseball’s player contracts. He took baseball’s owners to court, challenging their right to control a player for the life of his career.
For many, change was not coming fast enough. Russell, for example, remained the only African American to head a team for nearly a decade. The slow pace of racial progress prompted the birth of the radical Black Power movement. In the 1968 Mexico City Olympics, U.S. sprinting medalists Tommie Smith and John Carlos raised their fists in the Black Power salute while ‘The Star Spangled Banner’ was played for them. This offended many Americans but inspired many others.

Women, too, demanded equal rights. Tennis star Billie Jean King, a champion of women’s rights on and off the court, almost single-handedly established women’s sports as a profitable business. In 1967 Kathrine Switzer became the first woman to run officially in the Boston Marathon. However, officials hadn’t known that they issued a number to a woman when they accepted K.V. Switzer. When Kathy Whitworth became president of the LPGA in 1970, she greatly increased the sponsorship and the size of championship purses on the women’s tour. Her aim: to get women’s prizes on a par with those on the men’s tour.

The fuel cycle meets the life cycle.

When plants and animals absorb radioactivity, it stays stored in their cells. So although radioactivity in a stream of water may be very slight, plants in the stream may be more radioactive than the surrounding water.   They have absorbed a little radioactivity every day and stored it in their cells.   When fish and animals eat these plants, they take in this radiation and store it in their own cells, where it can build up to dangerous levels.  It is the alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays emitted by radioactive atoms that enter and damage living cells. Alpha particles are made up of protons and neutrons and are too weak to penetrate, or go into, human skin. They can be stopped by a sheet of paper. But they are not harmless to living things.   If alpha particles are breathed in or come in through food, they can hurt lungs and other body organs and do the kind of damage that leads to cancer.

Beta particles are electrons. They can go through the skin but are stopped inside the body. They damage and kill cell, as can gamma rays.

Gamma rays are electromagnetic waves that can go right through our bodies and keep on going. In fact, they can go through concrete up to six and one-half feet (two meters) thick. It takes very thick walls to protect living things from gamma rays.  If they hit reproductive cells (sperm or egg cells), they can cause birth defects. Now there are strict laws and guidelines for using all radioactive materials.
Special shields are used to protect people who get and give x-rays, and the number of x-rays allowed per year for a person is limited.   Animals and people can’t breathe radiation out, sweat it out, or get rid of radioactivity in any way once it is in their system except by letting it age or decay.

Radioactivity ‘lives’ for many thousands of years. But it can hurt life much more quickly.
Nuclear energy seems economical in day-to-day operation. However, until a way is found to safely dispose of the radioactive waste, its total cost is hard to measure.  If the money needed for safe transportation of nuclear waste and the creation of permanent storage is added to the cost, it may be quite expensive. Health problems related to increased environmental radiation might also raise the price people pay for nuclear energy.
For now, nuclear energy is one source of energy we use to meet some of our energy needs, while we try to find ways to harness energy without dangerously polluting our planet.


When you’re hungry, you’ll eat anything, >> he ate ants

In June 1995, Captain Scott O’Grady was flying a patrol over Bosnia for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) as part of an effort by the major Western powers and the United Nations to stem years of bloodshed in Bosnia. His radar showed that a surface-to-air missile was seconds from destroying his plane. After he bailed out, he pulled his parachute cord too quickly. O’Grady drifted slowly over a clear sky at twenty thousand feet, in full view of hostile Serbian soldiers.
Upon landing, he scrambled into a clump of nearby bushes and began six agonizing days of life on the run.
“Most of the time, my face was in the dirt, just praying that no one would see me,”   O’Grady said.   He described himself as “a scared little bunny rabbit, trying to hide, trying to survive… I ate grass. When you’re hungry, you’ll eat anything.” ”Anything” included ants.

“They scamper really quickly and it’s hard to get them,” he laughed.
After finishing the water in his survival kit, he prayed for rain, and “God delivered.”  He then relied on tricks from his survival training: collecting dew in plastic packets and squeezing rainwater from sponge and from his wool socks.
O’Grady was finally able to move into a clearing and send off a signal from his radio that led to helicopter rescue. After sending up flare to guide the helicopters, O’Grady loaded his gun and made a frantic dash, forgetting his training for the first time.  

“The one thing they tell you is never run at a helicopter with a loaded gun,   ”he said with a grin.



I checked, but Mr. Fogarty is not in any of his usual hiding places.


May I tell him who's furious?


No need to make copies of this memo,
Miss Dewlap, just let some of the
office gossips read it.



Capital 'N',
capital 'O',



It's not really all that important that we understand each other... just that you understand me.


Problems with your conference call:
Los Angeles is out to breakfast,
New York's out to lunch and
London's out to dinner.


I'd just like to say, sir, that I always make a bad first impression..!



No comment ... 


No comment ...


No comment ...


"Bad? I'll say things are bad - even the companies who don't intend to pay aren't placing orders!"


Escaping from death, embraced by the sea..!

More than 300 Syrian young men sank during their attempt to illegally migrate to the coasts of Europe across the Mediterranean Sea as the voyage by sea to illegally reach Europe costs between $ 2,000 to $ 6,000 per person).
One of them seemed to realize that the boat was going to sink and he despaired of reaching shore safely, so he wrote a letter to his mother and put it in his pocket. When maritime police found his body, they found the letter inside a plastic bag in his pocket. The letter included the following message:

"Mom, I'm sorry that the ship sank and I couldn't reach Europe. I also won't be able to send you the sums I owe to pay the cost of the journey.  Mom, don't feel sad if my body is not found, it will be useless; rather, it will cost you charges of transporting, shipping, burial and funeral.

I'm sorry, Mom that war broke out and I had to travel as many other people though I have no huge dreams as others as you know;  All my dreams are as big as your colon medicine pack and repairing your teeth price.

I'm sorry, dear mother, that I built a house of illusion for you; a nice wooden cottage like that we used to watch in movies, a poor cottage away from explosive barrels, away from sectarianism and ethnicity and neighbors' rumors about us.
Sorry, Bro. I won't sent you $ 50 I promised to send monthly to entertain yourself before graduation.
Sorry, Sis. I won't send you the modern phone provided with Wi-Fi like your rich friend.
Sorry, my lovely home. I won't hang my coat behing your door.
I'm sorry divers and researchers for the missed people, I do not know the name of the sea where I sank.
Be at ease, asylum officals in Europe, I won't be a burden on you.

Thanks, Sea that is receiving us without a visa or a passport. Thanks, fish that will share my flesh without asking about my religion, race or political affiliation.

Thanks, news channels that will broadcast the news of our death for five minutes, every hours for two days.

Thank you all for feeling sorry when you hear the story of our death.
I'm sorry that I sank.


Feeling that twin brother in danger, the fetus amazed doctors..!

While a doctor was following the status of a woman pregnant with twins as usual, he discovered that one of the twins suffers from health problems that may cause his death and early birth. The doctor told the woman and her husband of the possible death of one of the twins before or after birth.
The mother was grieved; her husband tried to relieving her sadness and consoling her, but he failed. She felt the movement of the twins inside her and could not understand how one of them would go out dead and the other wait his turn to go out.

Labor was overdue the date determined and the doctor realized that it would be great danger to wait, so he transferred the woman to department of Caesarean sections. In the operating room, there was a surprise. The medical staff was astonished when they took out the twins and found that one of them was clinging to the other's hand.

The doctor wondered at what he saw and explained it that the little baby clung to his brother's hand not to leave him, go out and die. The twins were in good health.

The question that puzzled the doctor and could answer was how the fetus knew that his brother suffered and that he might go out before him, so he strangely clung to his hand.


Discovering betrayal of its owner, the dog attcked and killed him.

That scene was filmed and directed in a highly efficient and professional way that deserves full respect. It shows how a dog fought very violently and cruelty with a human where all the dog's ugliness and fierceness appeared. The dog backed down after it thought that it destroyed its enemy, but when it saw its enemy's boldness and its owner's shouting that heavily drove it to kill, it knew that its enemy was wronged and the one who should be punished was its owner. Thus, it attacked him and killed him.
This scene has reminded me of a similar scene I saw myself. One day, I was walking through a small square in a Swiss village near the city of Basel inhabited by grape growers. A strange dark-skinned young man passed, he was seeking a job. When he came near one of the farmers to ask for a job in French, the farmer who spoke German did understand what the strange young man saying, but he did not like talking to him because of his different skin color. The farmer beckoned to a huge dog as big as a donkey, the dog started off rising like a horse and ran toward the young man. The young man backed down, terrified, to lean against the cafe wall, the dog violently shook making a noise like a terrifying lion. The young man was looking at it realizing that he would loss his life in a few seconds.
The dog attacked the young man as if it hugged him and did not hurt him. Immediately, the young man fell down because of severe fear; the dog musingly looked at him ignoring its owner's calls. Then, it left him and went away, uninterested in its owner's call, but it looked at him baring teeth and went back to its place.
We went toward the young man to calm him down, but he refused to stay for a moment and did not accept the apology of the villain farmer.


Surprisingly, dog imitates chicken chirping sound…!

It seems that this dog has close relationship with chicken coops as it is used to frequently listen their sound. It finds out that imitating their sound is easy, or it may think that it is a language of dialogue between it and the chickens, so it wanted to learn. Humans should not think that they are entirely the smartest, some animals can compete with them.


A man can marry several women, Can a woman?

The male sperm differs from one person to the other such as fingerprint and iris recognition. Every male has his own code. This is why women who engaged in prostitution are infected with cervical cancer because of the different codes. 
Woman's body store the code of the male cohabited her through his sperm; if there are more than one code, her body became confused and disrupted and infected by malignant diseases: Just as when a computer is completely infected by viruses. Due to intensive studies conducted by specialists to solve this problem, researchers found that woman's body needs three months, after identifying a man's code, to forget it and to receive another man's code without suffering any harm.

When the results of these researches are published, it was found that Quran, the Holy Book of Muslims, already states that as it orders the divorced women or widows to stay unmarried for three months, which is called "Eidda" (waiting period), then she can marry again. She may be pregnant, so the father can be easily identified, may return to her husband without marrying another man, or her body forgets her ex-husband's code to receive the new husband's code. Muslims maintain this period by virtue of laws and religion and they can never shorten this period. They may not know the reason behind being three months.

This astonishing discovery explains why a woman cannot be married to more than one husband at the same time while a man, in ancient times and nowadays according to some religions' laws, may marry several wives without being harmed.

Pirates put black bandages over eyes, why..?

We always see pirates put black bandages over their eyes. We may think that the pirate lost his eye, so he covered it. However, the reason behind covering eyes with this bandage is to have a clear vision in darkness. In case of being exposed to sunlight, then moving to a shadowy or slightly dark place, vision will not be clear as lens of eyes are widened or narrowed according to the amount of light falling on them.

Thus, pirates invented this bandage to one of their eyes covered in light; when he came into a dark place, he remove the bandage to be able to see in darkness and avoid surprises!

Animals learnt, trained and organized, but in different way..!

Humans can be learnt and trained; similarly, animals have innate knowledge that enable them to live and feel. Animals feel happy, sad, fear and secure; they know what to do in case of hunger and thirst. In addition, all animals can distinguish between friends and strangers, especially the dog.
If animals have such abilities, they can be easily trained to do what we them to do. That is often noted at the circus and animal friends, too. The younger the animal, the faster and better results of its training are obtainned. Animals have innate and nature knowledge to cherish life and defend themselves.

Here are some amazing training forms.   


Don't rashly prejudge, stupidness may kill you..!

Jack is a little compulsory-education pupil in a small village in Germany. He is incredibly stupid and never understands anything. He greatly tired his teacher Ms. Mariana Miller who hated him, also all school pupils and teachers hated him. Every attempt by his teacher and family to improve his very low grades or educational level has failed. One day Ms. Miller said, "Your stupidness will kill me one day, Jack. I know that well!" When his mother tried to know the result of her son's psychiatric treatment and asked the teacher about him, she screamed at her saying, "Useless! Jack was not created to learn, he's the stupidest pupil on earth. He is a hopeless case!" The sad mother gave up to her son's case. Thus, she took him and left the town. Jack left; the teacher had a break from his stupidness. Twenty-five years have passed and Ms. Miller had a serious disease. Doctors decoded that she must have an immediate surgery.
The surgery was successful and Ms. Miller was in her bed connected to a medical ventilator and other measurements. When she slightly awaked from the influence of drugs and opened her eyes, she saw beside her bed a handsome doctor who wanted to make sure that she was fine with a broad smile on his face. she could not speak, but she tried to thank him by her hand, but her hand and body shook severely and the doctor did not understand what was happening. Her pale color began to turn into blue, her eye pupil became widened and she looked as if she was choking. She beckoned to the doctor trying to speak, but she could not. At the same time, the doctor could not do anything. Suddenly, all devices stopped and Ms. Miller completely stopped moving. The doctor, helped by another doctor and some nurses, tried to save her, but uselessly. Ms. Miller died and the doctor did not know what she wanted to tell him before her death.

Sadly and miserably, he was about to leave the room when he noticed that Jack, the cleaner, took out the plug of the medical ventilator and disconnected power supply to operate his vacuum cleaner to clean the room. It is the night shift when Jack worked.

Don't rashly prejudge, you may think that the doctor is Jack.


A strange undiscovered insect…!

Strange creature appears in the rainforests of South America; according to the British Daily Mail Newspaper, it's only seven millimeters length, golden-colored, and its body is covered by orange dots and lines. It has upward tufts of hair looks like the hair of a colored doll.

Researchers believe that this creature is immature insect called "Nymph". It belongs to one of the four nymph families (Dictyopharidae, Lophopidae, Nogodinidae or Tropiduchidae). A research team has undertaken a hard journey that lasted three weeks to discover the rainforests in southeastern Suriname; this insect was among the 60 new species found during this journey. Dr. Trond Larsen, a tropical ecologist and the scientist who discovered this creature, reported that he spent long time searching books of nymph classes to compare this creature to other species to identify this new insect.

Third World education, the worst human calamity..!

Third World education results in astonishing and controversial categories:

First category:  Smart students who get high marks with the help of private lessons and other educational aids outside schools; due to their countries' circumstances, they join faculties of medicine, engineering, science, etc. to lead a life of dignity and well-being that is distinct from their peers.

Second category: (More exhausted and poorer): They join theoretical faculties of literature, history, law, accounting, etc.
When they graduate, they manage the affairs of the graduates of the first class.

Third category:  Is the least intelligent and the wealthiest.
They may not complete their studies or may have intermediate education; when they graduate, they become politicians of the country and govern graduates of the first and second categories.

Fourth category:  Is the failures with limited intelligence who volunteer in armed forces or police seeking for plentiful livelihood; quickly they are pushed by the circumstances to govern the three categories through removing them from their offices, imprisoning or killing them, if necessary.

The most amazing thing is the students of the fifth category who never attended school, or they may be learnt reading and writing. They become sheikhs and priests whom all the other four categories acting at their behest.


250 hours of driving training in 14 years, failing driving test for 4th time..!

(Janine Mars) is a British 31-year-old woman who spent £ 5,000 to learn car driving in 14 years. She had more than 250 classes with the help of many driving instructors; yet, for 4th time she couldn't pass the test.
Janine hopes to learn car driving one day. Her mother had to motivate her with a new car as a gift if she obtains a driving license, but Janine has little hope to pass the 5th test.
The Independent, a British newspaper, mentioned a case worse than Janine's in driving tests; a 42-year-old man from Stoke-on-Trent Region recorded the highest number of failing driving tests as he failed 36 test before passing 37th test.


Real Madrid & Barcelona, under the microscope...!

Real Madrid and Barcelona are the oldest and most powerful football clubs in football history. They always occupy the foremost place of all clubs regarding fans turnout and international attention. Viewers always feel the high spirit of competition between the two Spanish teams and enjoy indescribable watching.
The first competitive match in football history between the two teams was in 1924. At that time, Real Club was called Royal Real Madrid and the other was Barça Club, currently (Barcelona). Barcelona beat Real 1-0.


Trying to break into a car, the stone bounced knocking him down..!

Monitoring cameras recorded for an unlucky Irish thief who found something he admired in a car and wanted to steal it. So, he got a stone to break the car glass; unfortunately, the stone fiercely rebounded to his face and knocked him down. The foolish thief stayed on the ground till the police arrested him


Sentenced to death by confining with wild dogs.

A king of the middle Ages ordered to raise 10 wild dogs to punish the perpetrators of his people. Dogs were starved and the perpetrator was thrown to them to be snapped and eaten with extreme cruelty.
One day, one of his advisers misjudged and caused heavy hunting losses; the king was extremely furious and ordered the execution of the adviser by being thrown to the wild dogs. The adviser said: "Your Majesty, I have serviced you for twenty years with no mistakes; when I make a mistake, you kill me?" The king said: "An order of your execution is issued, and it will be implemented." The Adviser said: "Your Majesty, give me ten days before killing me." The king said:  "You will be given ten days to do whatever you want."
The adviser went to the person in charge of keeping the dogs and urged him to let him serve, clean and feed the dogs himself. The person in charge agreed and gave him the keys and food plan of dogs. The adviser carefully looked after the dogs, feeding them, treating them with affectionate and cleaning their place himself till ten-day term ended and it was time to be executed. The king and his retinue gathered and he ordered to throw the poor adviser to the starving dogs.
Astonishing thing happened; the dogs came near the prisoner, playing, jumping around him and being nice to him. The king and his retinue were watching amazedly. How could the wild dogs do that?
The king ordered to bring the adviser and asked him to explain what happened. The adviser said: "Your Majesty, I served these wild dogs for ten days, so they became nice and friendly to me and didn't hurt me; I served you for twenty years, you forget them and ordered to kill me by wild dogs' teeth. The king felt shame and granted the adviser amnesty and said a sentence that became a proverb:

Circumstances may change, belittle no one. Don't be like a bird; eating ants when alive and being eaten by ants when dead.


Believe it or not! Tightly changing four tires in 3 seconds.

Everyone who had to change car tires knows the difficulty, suffering and the time needed to do that. Thus, it is an unpopular and boring task for everyone.

Speed of racing cars increases to the maximum and heavy-weighted tires become extremely hot. These huge tires need to be installed and fixed tightly and carefully to keep the racer safe, so, changing them is one of the hardest tasks at all as it requires much effort and long time.

However, it is quite a different story when it comes to Formula 1 World Championship. When a car enters maintenance area, it must quickly go out to be on a better rank depending on how fast four tires are changed.

For this purpose, a professional team of the highest standards of competence is formed. Promptly, the team lifts the car, unfixes the four tires and changes them no later than three seconds due to the frequent and careful training.

Great teams, such as Ferrari Red Bull and Lotus and Mercedes, went beyond their powers and could end this process within 2.5 seconds. In the video, the training of Amazing Lotus Team.



A young man walks on the water in Britain and amazes the pedestrians and tourists.

The British young man Steven Fryne (28 years) nicknamed “Dinamo”, born in Bradford city was arrested by the English Police as he was doing magic tricks in the street causing traffic jam. When he was released, he went to Westminster bridge in the river Thames.
At the port opposite to Big Bin Tower, the young man put his legs on the surface of water, then started to move steadily on the river surface in front of the amazement of pedestrians, and tourist who were crowded observing the young man unbelieving what is happening, and taking photos of the event in a strong eagerness and passion. When the marine police knew about the happening, they hastened to rescue the young man standing in the middle of the river, being indifferent to the boats passing by it or the shouting of people on the beach.


How a Japanese Man transformed a Kilogram of wastes to one liter of Gasoline?

One of the Japanese invented a thermal device that can transform one kilogram of plastic wastes to one liter of gasoline in an amazing speed as the garbage wastes inside the device are exposed to high temperatures, differ according to one’s desire whether he wanted the extraction of gasoline, diesel, or the kerosene.
The device temperature can be controlled via a program installed on a small computer linked to the device. Thus, economic benefit can be gained from wastes..!


A Poisonous Fly-Size female Spider holds a poisonous Adder that surrender succumbingly.

Strength is not in size. These two types of spiders and adders have a killing poison, rather they are considered of the most poisonous creatures in Australia. The adder can swallow the spider without any effort, but it did not desire that, as it would not feed its hunger. Meanwhile, the spider, despite its little size, it could control the adder wholly.
Although, the spider griped, by its net, the adder from its tail, and left its head free, but it could not reach the spider or escape from it after being numbed with a poisonous bite caused it being paralyzed unable to self-defense. In the early morning, the died adder was lied awaiting the ants to be their huge feast, and delicious nutrition for the next months.


Can a Cat be smarter than many Humans…?

In the Three Cups game, the player’s hand moves quickly, after he had hidden the ball under one of the cups, as the cat was observing quietly. When the player stops to ask about the place of ball, the cat points to the correct cup amazingly. The player added a fourth cup to harden the game and increase complication, however the cat was succeeding in finding the cup, and he never made a mistake.

There are a lot of people who don’t reach this cat level of cleverness.


A Father extracting the Tooth of his Child (8 years) in a strange Method..!

The American father did not pay attention to the various technological methods, so he invented a strange, and dangerous method to extract the tooth of his young child. He tied the tooth to the edge of durable thread, and tied the other edge of thread to the back of his car. Then, he left his child standing as he drove the car to extract the tooth. This would result in severe damages on the gingiva or an opisthogenia in the jaw of the child whose father relied on luck, and adventured by his idea.


Do you believe that a trivial thing could lead to a catastrophe?

A lot of people underestimate the trivial thing, and do not give attention to its consequences. Those are a group of young people wanted to film what could happen if one of them threw the gum on the ground at a public place resulting in a number of awkward positions, perhaps leading to death in some cases. However, Disposing of it by throwing it in the garbage bin may avert many problems, and keep the unexpected accidents away from passers.
Do you expect that this video is fit to raise awareness or it is a kind of exaggeration?


Why did the human being differ usually through ages?

People are a gathering of individuals, derived from a human being. People, in ancient times, are less knowing of life symbols, nature secrets, and have no knowledge except few of life affairs and living limits. They have nothing except axioms, and do not know except a little bit of intellectual theories that adapt them to survival means in their simplest form; for example nurturing with plants, anything of quarry, shelter in caves, self-defense using stones, wood, bones etc. Therefore, this was the condition of a human being in his most ancient times.

It is known that a clear distinction shall not appear among such a folk in such a condition, as the corruption shall not prevail significantly amongst them. Similar to the herd of sheep whose members have no aim except to be guided by others, and to be gathered in the house, crib, and the drinking place.

For this purpose, people lived with naivety and simplicity with no differences among them by fight, and defense in the way of living, and no differences in doctrines, opinions, trends, or rejection of reality. The human being began forming for himself a community with its special laws and traditions, the instinct predominated until the elements of unity and oneness were formed in the society. Here, the first type of difference was emerged: the instinctive difference resulting from keenness to provide livelihood, and the necessities of life: such as marriage, the passion for control and leadership, as well as the ethnic fanaticism, and the forced labor.
The human species is still elevating in the knowledge, understanding, and thought, and is developing in the methods of knowledge, and cultures through generations so it will strengthen the pillars of its community, consequently it will be more knowledgeable and powerful, provide all needs to its members, upgrade the level of their welfare, resist the obstacles of nature, domination on the land, sea, and air to get the utmost benefit of life advantages, and discover new methods to utilize the natural resources above and under land and in the depths of seas. As a result of such, strong individuals, those of ascendancy, and strength, rich, weak, poor, literates, illiterates, healthy individuals, and patients appeared in its community. Hence, the second type of difference emerges the innate difference resulting from the misuse, and social disorder. The more the number of human beings increases, the needs vary, selfishness level rise, contempt of others and the passion of dominance on him, and on his capabilities, the more problems volume increases, tensions spread, and people are left all in a risk as no one feels safe for his life. So the society finds nothing before it except increasing the strictness and severity of laws to protect through which the individual’s life.