Feeling that twin brother in danger, the fetus amazed doctors..!

While a doctor was following the status of a woman pregnant with twins as usual, he discovered that one of the twins suffers from health problems that may cause his death and early birth. The doctor told the woman and her husband of the possible death of one of the twins before or after birth.
The mother was grieved; her husband tried to relieving her sadness and consoling her, but he failed. She felt the movement of the twins inside her and could not understand how one of them would go out dead and the other wait his turn to go out.

Labor was overdue the date determined and the doctor realized that it would be great danger to wait, so he transferred the woman to department of Caesarean sections. In the operating room, there was a surprise. The medical staff was astonished when they took out the twins and found that one of them was clinging to the other's hand.

The doctor wondered at what he saw and explained it that the little baby clung to his brother's hand not to leave him, go out and die. The twins were in good health.

The question that puzzled the doctor and could answer was how the fetus knew that his brother suffered and that he might go out before him, so he strangely clung to his hand.

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