Sentenced to death by confining with wild dogs.

A king of the middle Ages ordered to raise 10 wild dogs to punish the perpetrators of his people. Dogs were starved and the perpetrator was thrown to them to be snapped and eaten with extreme cruelty.
One day, one of his advisers misjudged and caused heavy hunting losses; the king was extremely furious and ordered the execution of the adviser by being thrown to the wild dogs. The adviser said: "Your Majesty, I have serviced you for twenty years with no mistakes; when I make a mistake, you kill me?" The king said: "An order of your execution is issued, and it will be implemented." The Adviser said: "Your Majesty, give me ten days before killing me." The king said:  "You will be given ten days to do whatever you want."
The adviser went to the person in charge of keeping the dogs and urged him to let him serve, clean and feed the dogs himself. The person in charge agreed and gave him the keys and food plan of dogs. The adviser carefully looked after the dogs, feeding them, treating them with affectionate and cleaning their place himself till ten-day term ended and it was time to be executed. The king and his retinue gathered and he ordered to throw the poor adviser to the starving dogs.
Astonishing thing happened; the dogs came near the prisoner, playing, jumping around him and being nice to him. The king and his retinue were watching amazedly. How could the wild dogs do that?
The king ordered to bring the adviser and asked him to explain what happened. The adviser said: "Your Majesty, I served these wild dogs for ten days, so they became nice and friendly to me and didn't hurt me; I served you for twenty years, you forget them and ordered to kill me by wild dogs' teeth. The king felt shame and granted the adviser amnesty and said a sentence that became a proverb:

Circumstances may change, belittle no one. Don't be like a bird; eating ants when alive and being eaten by ants when dead.

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