Why did the human being differ usually through ages?

People are a gathering of individuals, derived from a human being. People, in ancient times, are less knowing of life symbols, nature secrets, and have no knowledge except few of life affairs and living limits. They have nothing except axioms, and do not know except a little bit of intellectual theories that adapt them to survival means in their simplest form; for example nurturing with plants, anything of quarry, shelter in caves, self-defense using stones, wood, bones etc. Therefore, this was the condition of a human being in his most ancient times.

It is known that a clear distinction shall not appear among such a folk in such a condition, as the corruption shall not prevail significantly amongst them. Similar to the herd of sheep whose members have no aim except to be guided by others, and to be gathered in the house, crib, and the drinking place.

For this purpose, people lived with naivety and simplicity with no differences among them by fight, and defense in the way of living, and no differences in doctrines, opinions, trends, or rejection of reality. The human being began forming for himself a community with its special laws and traditions, the instinct predominated until the elements of unity and oneness were formed in the society. Here, the first type of difference was emerged: the instinctive difference resulting from keenness to provide livelihood, and the necessities of life: such as marriage, the passion for control and leadership, as well as the ethnic fanaticism, and the forced labor.
The human species is still elevating in the knowledge, understanding, and thought, and is developing in the methods of knowledge, and cultures through generations so it will strengthen the pillars of its community, consequently it will be more knowledgeable and powerful, provide all needs to its members, upgrade the level of their welfare, resist the obstacles of nature, domination on the land, sea, and air to get the utmost benefit of life advantages, and discover new methods to utilize the natural resources above and under land and in the depths of seas. As a result of such, strong individuals, those of ascendancy, and strength, rich, weak, poor, literates, illiterates, healthy individuals, and patients appeared in its community. Hence, the second type of difference emerges the innate difference resulting from the misuse, and social disorder. The more the number of human beings increases, the needs vary, selfishness level rise, contempt of others and the passion of dominance on him, and on his capabilities, the more problems volume increases, tensions spread, and people are left all in a risk as no one feels safe for his life. So the society finds nothing before it except increasing the strictness and severity of laws to protect through which the individual’s life.

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