Escaping from death, embraced by the sea..!

More than 300 Syrian young men sank during their attempt to illegally migrate to the coasts of Europe across the Mediterranean Sea as the voyage by sea to illegally reach Europe costs between $ 2,000 to $ 6,000 per person).
One of them seemed to realize that the boat was going to sink and he despaired of reaching shore safely, so he wrote a letter to his mother and put it in his pocket. When maritime police found his body, they found the letter inside a plastic bag in his pocket. The letter included the following message:

"Mom, I'm sorry that the ship sank and I couldn't reach Europe. I also won't be able to send you the sums I owe to pay the cost of the journey.  Mom, don't feel sad if my body is not found, it will be useless; rather, it will cost you charges of transporting, shipping, burial and funeral.

I'm sorry, Mom that war broke out and I had to travel as many other people though I have no huge dreams as others as you know;  All my dreams are as big as your colon medicine pack and repairing your teeth price.

I'm sorry, dear mother, that I built a house of illusion for you; a nice wooden cottage like that we used to watch in movies, a poor cottage away from explosive barrels, away from sectarianism and ethnicity and neighbors' rumors about us.
Sorry, Bro. I won't sent you $ 50 I promised to send monthly to entertain yourself before graduation.
Sorry, Sis. I won't send you the modern phone provided with Wi-Fi like your rich friend.
Sorry, my lovely home. I won't hang my coat behing your door.
I'm sorry divers and researchers for the missed people, I do not know the name of the sea where I sank.
Be at ease, asylum officals in Europe, I won't be a burden on you.

Thanks, Sea that is receiving us without a visa or a passport. Thanks, fish that will share my flesh without asking about my religion, race or political affiliation.

Thanks, news channels that will broadcast the news of our death for five minutes, every hours for two days.

Thank you all for feeling sorry when you hear the story of our death.
I'm sorry that I sank.

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