Could any Country print its Money whenever it desires?

Ago, countries were relating the value of their currencies to the gold. So, they were buying the gold against a trust receipt which is a paper invented by English people who called it a banknote proving that the country owns an asset of gold in the bank. Each banknote shows the value of the gold stock known in the bank. This resulted in the rarity of gold stock in markets, as it was no longer sufficient to fulfill people’s needs.
When the production of gold was stopped due to wars, merchants resorted to exploit the need of people, and they created huge wealth due to the high rise in prices. In 1937, countries agreed not to relate the banknotes to any kind of metals, and then they enacted laws to codify the banknotes to be approved among countries by force of law not by the value of gold. Then, each country withdrew its reserve of gold to be the only responsible for printing its currency. Each country searched for a method to design and manufacture banknote, as to be difficult to be imitated or forged by putting watermarks, and hologram strips. The value of each currency depended on the production of countries, and the volume and amount of their exports until progress, development, and the increase of production became a parameter to differentiate between strong, weak countries, poor, and rich ones. Due to the shortage of production, development was delayed, and the value of poor countries currencies were weakened. Those poor countries became a market depending wholly on the products of rich countries, as they squandered in printing the banknotes without real increase in production resulted in the increase of inflation, and a catastrophic rise in goods prices.
For illustrating this in an example: If the market had five cars of ten thousand Dollars for each, and there are five people; each of them possesses ten thousand Dollars, then each one would be able to obtain a car. However, if each one possesses thirty thousand Dollars, then the demand on cars will increase, and the price of the car will significantly rise.

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