Don't rashly prejudge, stupidness may kill you..!

Jack is a little compulsory-education pupil in a small village in Germany. He is incredibly stupid and never understands anything. He greatly tired his teacher Ms. Mariana Miller who hated him, also all school pupils and teachers hated him. Every attempt by his teacher and family to improve his very low grades or educational level has failed. One day Ms. Miller said, "Your stupidness will kill me one day, Jack. I know that well!" When his mother tried to know the result of her son's psychiatric treatment and asked the teacher about him, she screamed at her saying, "Useless! Jack was not created to learn, he's the stupidest pupil on earth. He is a hopeless case!" The sad mother gave up to her son's case. Thus, she took him and left the town. Jack left; the teacher had a break from his stupidness. Twenty-five years have passed and Ms. Miller had a serious disease. Doctors decoded that she must have an immediate surgery.
The surgery was successful and Ms. Miller was in her bed connected to a medical ventilator and other measurements. When she slightly awaked from the influence of drugs and opened her eyes, she saw beside her bed a handsome doctor who wanted to make sure that she was fine with a broad smile on his face. she could not speak, but she tried to thank him by her hand, but her hand and body shook severely and the doctor did not understand what was happening. Her pale color began to turn into blue, her eye pupil became widened and she looked as if she was choking. She beckoned to the doctor trying to speak, but she could not. At the same time, the doctor could not do anything. Suddenly, all devices stopped and Ms. Miller completely stopped moving. The doctor, helped by another doctor and some nurses, tried to save her, but uselessly. Ms. Miller died and the doctor did not know what she wanted to tell him before her death.

Sadly and miserably, he was about to leave the room when he noticed that Jack, the cleaner, took out the plug of the medical ventilator and disconnected power supply to operate his vacuum cleaner to clean the room. It is the night shift when Jack worked.

Don't rashly prejudge, you may think that the doctor is Jack.

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