Is the human is in need to be taught from the dog?

The dog cannot let the hot air out of its venter, and bring in the cold air in an easily manner due to the weakness of its heart. With a little effort, therefore, we observe that it needs a deep breathing, on the contrary to other animals that neither need to deep breathing nor feel the anguish and annoyance except upon fatigue and tiredness. So, the dog gasps in a manner almost continuous in an attempt to cool its body which have no sweat glands except in its soles only. The matter that obliges it to gasp in the circumstances of hot weather, extreme thirst, physical or psychological disease, fatigue, exhaustion, panic or excitation.
If the dog is deprived of the blessing of cooling its body, as the exhaustion and discomfort were imposed on it to compensate for the lack of sweat glands, Allah will reward it through the considerable closeness to the human being, He, yet, subjected many humans for its service, and caring conferring it a dignity. In addition to the qualities of faithfulness, loyalty, courage, spunk, persistence, kindness, intelligence, and the senses of smell, hearing, and sight.
Allah deprived the dog of one blessing, and donated it ten to be absolutely the closest to the human’s heart.

That friendly human with the dog who knows all these lovely qualities about it, why doesn’t he learn faithfulness, loyalty, courage, or kindness from it?

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