Third World education, the worst human calamity..!

Third World education results in astonishing and controversial categories:

First category:  Smart students who get high marks with the help of private lessons and other educational aids outside schools; due to their countries' circumstances, they join faculties of medicine, engineering, science, etc. to lead a life of dignity and well-being that is distinct from their peers.

Second category: (More exhausted and poorer): They join theoretical faculties of literature, history, law, accounting, etc.
When they graduate, they manage the affairs of the graduates of the first class.

Third category:  Is the least intelligent and the wealthiest.
They may not complete their studies or may have intermediate education; when they graduate, they become politicians of the country and govern graduates of the first and second categories.

Fourth category:  Is the failures with limited intelligence who volunteer in armed forces or police seeking for plentiful livelihood; quickly they are pushed by the circumstances to govern the three categories through removing them from their offices, imprisoning or killing them, if necessary.

The most amazing thing is the students of the fifth category who never attended school, or they may be learnt reading and writing. They become sheikhs and priests whom all the other four categories acting at their behest.

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