Believe it or not! Tightly changing four tires in 3 seconds.

Everyone who had to change car tires knows the difficulty, suffering and the time needed to do that. Thus, it is an unpopular and boring task for everyone.

Speed of racing cars increases to the maximum and heavy-weighted tires become extremely hot. These huge tires need to be installed and fixed tightly and carefully to keep the racer safe, so, changing them is one of the hardest tasks at all as it requires much effort and long time.

However, it is quite a different story when it comes to Formula 1 World Championship. When a car enters maintenance area, it must quickly go out to be on a better rank depending on how fast four tires are changed.

For this purpose, a professional team of the highest standards of competence is formed. Promptly, the team lifts the car, unfixes the four tires and changes them no later than three seconds due to the frequent and careful training.

Great teams, such as Ferrari Red Bull and Lotus and Mercedes, went beyond their powers and could end this process within 2.5 seconds. In the video, the training of Amazing Lotus Team.


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