He wanted to farewell his died colleague with a last sight, and it was a surprise..!

In the early morning, while the company employees were going to their work places, they shocked by a signage fixed on the company main entrance written on it:

Yesterday, the one who was hindering your welfare and promotion in the company was died...Condolence will be in the great hall.

No one did not know whom died, but grief prevailed over all, and they were anxious and curious to know the deceased who was the obstacle to their welfare, and the success of their company.

The employees entered the condolence room worried and anxious as the coffin was surrounded by flowers, while the silence and fear were prevailing over the place, as the security men stood organizing the passage of employees by the coffin to farewell their colleague with a last sight.
The odd matter is that each one looking into the coffin puts his hand on his mouth, unbelieving what he sees, as it sounds that something has shocked him, and hurt his feelings. One of the attendees did not keep himself in check, so he left the queue anxiously to see who is in the coffin. He found that it was empty, and a mirror was fixed on its bottom reflecting the picture of  looker to the bottom, and a board on which it was written:

one person in this world is capable to achieve your hopes and aspirations. He is you!

Your life wouldn’t be changed by the alternation of your manager, work, friends, or even your wife, your life will be changed if you were changed, and you stopped at your limits, developed your capabilities, controlled your actions in order to Conquer the impossible.

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