What is the benefit of the creation of Satan?

Without the evil, corruption, fatigue, loss, imperfection, weakness, and the likewise in this world, the good, health, comfort, perfectionism, strength would not have a reality, and we would not understand their meaning as the human searches for meanings according to facts.
Without misery there would be no happiness, without disobedience there would be no obedience accomplished, without ugliness, and dispraise, there would be no beauty and laudation, without punishment there would be no reward, and consequently, without life there would be no hereafter.

Obedience is the compliance of the obedient one to the commands of the obeyed one. If there is no compliance, disobedience shall be made, and the question about the obligation of obedience shall be essential and necessary. However, if the obedience was not originally imposed, the command and prohibition would be valueless because of the non-existence of a meaning and purpose of obedience, the limitations between obedience and disobedience would disappear, this matter would be confusing, and the randomness would prevail in all walks of life.
With the invalidation of obedience, and disobedience, the laudation, and dispraise relating to them, the reward, punishment, promise, warning, admonition, and heralding will be invalidated, the religion, and the assembly, the civilization, then, the whole humanity, and after that everything will be invalidated. By analogy, all opposite matters in the universal system shall be invalidated.

Hence, the existence of the devil calling for the evil, and disobedience is one of the pillars of the humanitarian universal system that runs by the nature of choice, and aims at the happiness of the humankind. One of the necessities of disobedience is the awareness of human with the obedience route to distance himself from evil because devil is like the border surrounding the straight road allocated to be followed by human race in order to live a good life. The devil, and its soldiers sit on the road to obstruct the human by crowding, as they doing whatever they want by alienation, seduction, corruption, destruction, insinuations, etc.
If we observed such condition, and contemplated the attitude of Satan towards Adam, a clear and full image about the relations combining between the human kind and Satan would be revealed to us, and expressed by order, compliance, arrogance, expulsion, question and reply, and that it refers to the characteristics of human, and devil in dealing with commands and prohibitions. Satan was ordered to prostrate, and Adam was forbidden from eating from the tree. When Satan disobeyed the order, and insisted on disobedience, Adam breached the prohibition, but when Adam knew the obligation of obedience, he regretted the breach, and asked forgiveness of his God, while Satan continued on its disobedience.
Accordingly, the human should be brought up in the direction of commandments and prohibitions in order to comply with the obedience, and deserves happiness at the end or incline to disobedience, so he will be wretched in the hereafter.

The devil controls human through the psychological emotions including fear, hope, wishes, lust, and anger, then through his ideas and will related to them. The path to success in the hereafter needs personal sacrifice, struggle, persistence, patience, control, and exertion of efforts to achieve true happiness.

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